Friday, January 13, 2012

Who or what is Ba'al

Into the dark, earth and chaos

As time goes along, we get lost in the stubble. The objective here is to share in knowledge and welcome all who take part in this!
        What is not intended, is that I do not choose any followers nor do I want to form anyone's opinion but rather bring attention to the mind[s] which may or may not have yet surfaced, nor is it to have anyone believe what I have learned and not to bring anyone into my belief; be it secular, religious or any other.

 Each of us has been designed in uniqueness and individuality by a Creator Who is bigger than life itself.
We all have to take account for our own actions (unlike the justice system on earth, many unjust deeds come out of Babylon, minds of the world in each [past present and future - all people], see Scripture they do not change nor do they lie.)

There is much out there and the answers begin within our own inner being - to know what's needed to be changed.

The author of these blogs will not take responsiblity for any person's action or be writing of an absolute, this is my unbiased intention, TO EDUCATE AND BE EDUCATED & DRAW OUT INFORMATION TO SHARE FOR LEARNING TOOLS TO INFORM THOSE INTERESTED OR SEEKING.

There will be other links added, as material has been gathered for some time now. It is a matter of having an open mind to search things out in front of A Mighty El' as a humbly -ing (it's a continual process), before it's end.

The first recognition will be on the observation of the calendar we have been taught to follow. This particular calendar has been altered many times throughout history. In originality, the loss of a true calendar remains to be seen. In any case I'd like to send out some alarming facts which have come to mind.
Books of historic facts are vital in learning to know some details on the subject, here's a few names I've found: (after-all who's in charge of time? If one knows, I am apprehended by Ruach [hence, H.S.] to believe the author of Truth!) 

Names of some sources begin here:
            2) Rome
Language is an urgent research that has opened my soul to see [perceive] that I had been trained by a set of various ideas, found to be of falsehood. Recommended is a look at an indepth overview,
Some other information can be observed at wikipedia, the calendar, one of many informative articles.
Time established was before anyone was made so one needs to ask of YHVH to expound as they do their seeking of His Word, meditate and observe the sky, as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Mosheh [came out of Egypt] Jonathon and David. There was always the moon to observe and it is continual.

The things listed here are only head starts for all of us to get a start.
Let no one think he/she is more than they truly are. All people are made in an image/likeness of The Creator Himself! He's the true leader!

Once upon a time, there was no set calendar which were hung on walls, set on computers, etc. Then in a time of World renown power[s]; men began with intellectual design to put one together. After all, are we not created as intelligent beings? Many will be quick to disagree, I am ready for this, for I too have had my reservations.
No place in Scripture [Genesis/Breshit - Deuteronomy/Devarim] 'the basis for all teaching, tells any of us to calculate, or to follow others beliefs, BUT gives great answers and changes not. So, let's get busy, on our knees and seek to know ABBA [Father], His Kingdom lives in our hearts as an everlasting light to all who live and those who watch our lives be changed! 

Did you know YHVH [The Lord, a man-made wording, changing His intent, food for thought]. The deceiver has many fooled. This is in the plan, so get doing your searching out every matter. Since before the world was created, YHVH has known each person would have choices, whom do you serve? follow? 

Here's a couple verses I have learned from, that show the appointed times can be found every [for 7 1/2 years it has proven to be the way to find His timing.] generation while earth remains. Gen. 1.14; Commandment given, Ex. 20.8; Ps. 104.19. [This is a downloadable link for your use.

 As Ruach [H.S. fore time have I called Him] is The driver of this vessel now and there's none else for me and my household. He has brought many to see His to time before and will after as we observe the sky and keep on reading His Word, the heart has it written on, from foundation to the end of existence - whether it be by death or when He sends Mashiach [Anointed One] to come for the bride, all who are following as He lead in His ministry to the lost house of Yisra'el. 

Calendar's in past are available here and info on them and more.

          Prophesy is vital to learn about no matter what belief/faith one follows for this is a young program but even the religious rulers in YSHVH's day were told to go and learn..., these are links to aid others to look into along with learning of Scripture. View history, for in them shows great prophetic insight, as YHVH has declared would and will continue to be in His Living Word known to us as The Bible, to where we are now...

Many use Scripture to prove their own point, YHVH knows better, I choose to believe Him and follow His lead. Master of all and teacher who never change --ed.
Try the spirits and see if they be of Yah! He will not be able to be mocked in Truth. We are able to be deceived.


  1. Hello to the writer of this page. I just come across this page as I found it on Maria Merola's web site " Double portion inheritance". I am extremely encourage to inform you of that which I found as I became closer and closer to our Abba Yahuwah. This is in fact truth and biblically so and can be found if one sees what is seen but not seen. You see this is to show that His name was, is, and will be everlasting to everlasting. So bare with me as I explain my Spirit led hidden word of truth. I am going to paraphrase a little to make it shorter. In the beginning Yahuwah created all things in 6 days. numerically day one day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 and day6= 123456=21=777=in Hebrew 10, 5, 6,vowel points and consonants have been manipulated keep that in mind. Psalms 119 has a list of the Hebrew alphabet which is an alphanumeric system, however the numbers where taken out and reads like this 10=JOD, 5=HE, 6=VAV, in the correct ancient Hebrew it would read out Yahuwah. This is how I come about this and many other proofs of this fact and started with the parables.KEY 1. "The kingdom heaven is like unto leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened". Key 2 The messiah always referred Himself as the bread of life. Key 3 Matt. Mark and Luke as well as John but slightly differs from the others but remember three measures under "Jesus" feeds 5 thousand He broke 5 loafs and 2 fish. Matt. 5 loafs 2 fish=7
    Mark 5 loafs 2 fish=7
    Luke 5 loafs 2 fish=7 we get the Holy number of perfection and completion 777 which equals 21= 10 5 6 I was Spiritually led to measure it out in three parts from High number to low and high again and thus was my prayer to know His true name come true. You see Yahuwah said that His name was for all eternity and in acts 4:12 neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Yahushuwah which is the name of the Messiah means that Yahuwah is salvation. and proves that Yahushuwah was our Father in flesh And thus proves that He was and is and is to come. This meaning Yahuwah means Hand Behold Nail Behold there is also an ancient script that went with the Hebrew language. It is the most amazing language in all the world in my opinion. anyway, I pray that this shines a little light on your Journey to seek truth and that you too can see that which I was shown. there are many numeric messages within the bible that I know I have not been able to comprehend because my math skills are not that great. I pray that you research as I did when I received this revelation. Though our road be long and the journey filled with minor pits know that with the Light of Yahushuwah we have the authority to overcome those pits and soar on the wings of Yahuwah's grace. grace and peace to you brother/sister

    1. I forgot to mention also that in 3068 in the Strong's concordance it explains the TETRAGRAMMATON meaning four letter word. I would encourage you and other readers to start there as well as the 1611 King James bible it shows the start of the transliterating of our Fathers name into a worthless man made name. Keep in mind as well that the letter "J" is a modern letter as recent as 800 years. Remember LISTEN NOT TO THE WISDOM OF MAN FOR IT IS A SNARE AND TRAP! Never fully receive without first doing your own homework to either confirm or reject what was taught.
